Annual Popcorn Sale
The popcorn sale is our biggest unit fundraiser of the year, and selling has many benefits. Fundraising teaches Scouts many essential life skills such as goal setting, salesmanship, communication, teamwork, time management, and countless others. It is an excellent opportunity for learning and helps deliver the Scouting program to Scouts across our council by providing camperships, membership fees, uniforms, and other essential items. Many of our units can fund their entire Scouting year with this one sale! This includes paying for things such as summer camp, advancements, and membership costs.
Ready To Order?
Click here to order popcorn and support local Scouts! Select "Support a Council" and find Chickasaw Council in the list.
2024 Timeline
- Friday, October 25: Show & Sell Product Returns (9-5 at the warehouse - reservation required)
- Monday, October 28: Take Orders Due by Midnight & Show & Sell Money Due by 5 PM
- Thursday, November 14: Take Order Distribution (9-5 at the warehouse - reservation required)
- Monday, December 2: Take Order Money Due by 5 PM & Prize Orders Due by Midnight
- Sale Ends
Information For Units:
Click here for our popcorn Google Drive!
Click here to get directions to the warehouse (Google Maps)