Wilderness First Aid Training at Second Baptist, Dec 6-8, 2024


  • Friday, December 6, 2024; 6:00-10:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, December 7, 2024; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Sunday, December 8, 2024; 2:00 p.m.-finished (approximately 6:30 p.m.)

Location: Second Baptist Church (4680 Walnut Grove Rd., Memphis, TN 38117)

Maximum Attendance: The class is limited to twenty-five participants.

Who Can Attend: Registered Scouts and Scouters who meet the prerequisites and are at least fourteen years of age. Students must show verification that prerequisites are current.

PrerequisitesC.P.R. and A.E.D. (Automated External Defibrillation) are prerequisites for the course to meet the BSA requirements. W.F.A. is required for all BSA High Adventure Camps and strongly recommended for all high-adventure activities in which troops and crews participate. Scouts who have earned the First Aid merit badge and have earned the rank of First Class or higher are invited to attend.

Registration Fee: $100.00

Information Contact: Cate Kennedy; cgkennedy1@gmail.com; phone: 901-371-6874

Registration Online: Through the Council calendar on Tentaroo (at the bottom of this page); please contact the Chickasaw Council with any registration or payment questions. 

Certification is through BSA approved provider ECSI (Emergency Care and Safety Institute).