Did You Know? Personal Management

Did you know...
Scouts are taught how to responsibly save, budget and invest their money?

When a Scout leaves his troop, they may never again cook over a campfire, hike into the wilderness or use CPR to save a life. But they will undoubtedly have a need to manage their time and money. These skills are taught by Scouting as they advance in rank, from learning how to budget and shop for camp out food, using calendars to track their daily activities, and developing plans to fund service projects and other Scouting activities.
The Personal Management merit badge takes this several steps further by teaching Scouts about investing, saving, financing/borrowing, insurance, financial planning, time management, the importance of charity, and the emotions of decision making concerning money. When asked which merit badge was the hardest – and most beneficial – many Eagle Scouts fondly cite the Personal Management merit badge as the one they remember most, as it’s one they use every day of their lives.
Scouting teaches vital life skills that are not taught in our Schools. Just think what this could mean for your son or daughter!