National Court of Honor Lifesaving and Meritorious Action Awards

To recognize registered youth and adults who have performed an attempt to save a life or to recognize notable acts of service that need not involve attempts of rescue or risk to self, but put into practice Scouting skills and/or ideals.

National awards for lifesaving and meritorious action are made only for outstanding and unusual acts that demonstrate unusual heroism, skill, or bravery and reflect Scouting ideals, based on the following criteria:

  • Heroism is defined as conduct exhibiting courage, daring, skill, and self-sacrifice.
  • Skill is defined as the ability to use one's knowledge effectively in execution or performance. Special attention is given to skills learned in Scouting.

If you know of someone worthy of one of these awards, complete the Lifesaving Awards Nomination Form, include the requested documentation and mail the packet to the:

Advancement and Recognition Chair

c/o Chickasaw Council, Scouting America

171 S. Hollywood Street

Memphis, TN 38112

Lifesaving Awards Nomination Form

National Lifesaving and Meritorious Awards Web Page



For additional information, contact:

Casey Manning, Staff Advisor to the Chickasaw Council Lifesaving and Meritorious Action Awards Recognition Committee
(901) 327-4193